Sunday, January 04, 2004

New Year, New Outlook

OK here it is January 4th and I am blogging. While that is good, I am not. I am in a bad mood today and I should be happy. We went house hunting yesterday and found a few we love, bu tI am afraid we might be looking above our spending limit and setting ourselves for a letdown when we see what we really can afford. Now the wife wants to build, which would be fine but more time as a refugee and more months with our stuff in storage. Of the two we found one has a spectacular 1st floor layout, awesome garage and yard (for me) but a 2nd floor layout my wife and I do not like. The 2nd house is great all around, not as stunning as the 1st, which is surrounded by $200 homes. This one is a steal but has NO YARD, but is bigger by at least 400 sq.ft. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH........I'll keep you updated.

Work is a little crazy. With the Colts doing well, the big wigs are going nuts. Which is fine and dandy except that that have all week long and wait till the last minute. Which makes our (my) job more difficult. It's all good I guess. I do my job well and get paid, I should just go with the flow as my mother says.

Let's see, there are also the car troubles. The wife's is in the shop now and will be out after I pay $700 for repairs. Then I need to get my Jimmy fixed (thermostat) and it needs a new tire, plus the spare just rusted out of the bottom. Love cars!!!


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