Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Monday Blahs or The Mood Remains the Same

Monday was a No Day for me. Did as little as possible. Feeling better today. Going to hit the road, travel to the mall maybe, pick up some comics, cruise a neighborhood we are looking at and relax.
Played "Call of Duty" yesterday for what seems forever. Nice way to blow off steam, knocking of Nazis or Mother Russia. Today I will take a nice long shower, get dressed and start enjoying life again. Last day off before work, maybe that's what has been eating me these past few days. Worked mondo overtime the whole 2 weeks of Christmas and New Years. Sucks being low man again (then again most others were there), but people calling in sick on holidays is b***s***!!!! I like my new job and hope to be there for awhile, so I deal.

Quickie today, maybe I'll update later. Oh and check out CopTalk to the left, he does a great job!!!!! And yes Danielle it is football ;-)


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