The boy is still in the hospital. I haven't slept i nmy bed or next to my wife since last Tuesday. He had a complication due ot internal bleeding. That is all healed (after surgery, serveral days of 105 fever and tubes out the wazoo). Now we are waiting for the bowels to work again. He is filling up with gas and his belly is rock hard. They have a tube down his gut draining this god-awful black bile out of him. Poor kid is 10 and cant fart. We are hoping the tube easies the pressure and gets stuff moving before we have to operate again!!!
Did we mention we close on the new house next year, the old one the next day and someone has to be in New York to meet the movers and the wife is openning a new branch TODAY and she has to worry abou the son's possible 3rd surgery while having the Pres, VP and assorted minions wathcing her every move!!!!!
No wonder I am so frickin tired.
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