Friday, July 16, 2004

Did You Hear That???

My little brother is moving to Chicago this weekend. He got himself a nice job working for a Japanese furniture company (he has spent several years in Japan and speaks the language fluently and writes Kanji).  So he got himself a moving truck and came avisiting to see if he could help eliminate the clutter in our house.  We ended up giving him a few nice things, a dining room set, bookcase, odds and ends that someone who has living in a foreign country for the past few years might need for his own place.  The truck was gassed, the back locked up and away he went. 
He stopped about 5 miles from our home cause he thought he heard something fall in the truck.  opening the back he finds my son (11) and one of his friends (10) who had been frantically banging on the truck wall to get his to stop.  Seems while helping load the truck they got tired and wanted to play some cards, they hung in the truck cause it was cool and Grandpa closes the door so they could hang in the dark and have a little 'fort'.  Brother saw the truck all closed up and never looked and boy were having such a good time in there they never came out.  At first, I am told, the boy thought it was his uncle just playing a joke on them as he usually does.  "But when we hit the big bumps in the road I knew we were on the main road and he wasn't joking.  Everytime we slowed down to stop we would bang on the truck really loud behind where he was sitting.  When the door opened he looked at us and said 'What are you doing here?'"
Grandpa came out and took the boys back home and Uncle went his merry way to raid another sibling's home.  In the end noone was hurt and the boys had a good laugh and a cool story to tell at school next month.  Me, I don't know if I should laugh with my brother or just kill him, but then again we did 'stupider' stuff when we were kids........


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