Get The Blankets
We did a report today that the average winter heating bills will be going up dramatically this winter. A person spending $160 a month (which we do) can expect to pay $306 a month to heat their home this winter. I am already spending $40 to fill my tank, now double my heating bill (and some months it hit over $200) and I would be better off taking unemployment and welfare!!This is getting NUTS! What is a working family to do?
I have neither answers or witty commentary
Time to eat a lot of tomato soup made with ketchup, with a side of fried bologna!
A four foot loft still allows a great amount of room underneath the bed and can be arranged to house a fantastic fort, tent, or enclosed space that is only for the child. Some children's furniture manufacturers are even including specialized loft beds into their furniture designs that are sure to tickle your child's imagination.Find out more about black comforter fur
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