Friday, September 02, 2005

It's The President's Fault!

No not really, I just wanted to be on the 'in crowd' since everyone is on the "It's Bush's Fault" bandwagon.

You are all right,
-it is Bush's fault that New Orleans is built 5 feet below sea level
-it is Bush's fault that the Atlantic Ocean creates hurricanes
-it is Bush's fault Katrina gained strength in the Gulf
-it is Bush's fault that the builders of the 100 year old levee built it to withstand a Category 3
-it is Bush's fault places of safety are now under water
-it is Bush's fault people are taking pot shots at rescue teams
-it is Bush's fault the media is centered on New Orleans when 90 miles of the coast has suffered
-it is Bush's fault New Orleans did not have a better evacuation plan
-it is Bush's fault neighbor did not help neighbor
-it is Bush's fault some parts of the area are still not reachable because of damage
-it is Bush's fault, it is Bush's fault, it is Bush's fault

Stop whining like a bitch and do something, donate time or money; get involved in your community to make sure you are ready for a disaster or able to respond to one. My mother went to the Red Cross to volunteer on the phone lines, we are building a rescue pack in case we ever have to leave home due to tornado, I vote for who represents me, not my party but who is best for the community, we are involved in Boy Scouts, learning First Aid, Emergency preparedness and doing Community Service.

Why is that important, because the finger pointing will start, or has started and every man, woman and child should first turn that hand around and point at themselves. It is a terrible tragedy and I understand that some people just could not leave their homes or unable to get all their loved ones out and had to stay and I truly, deeply feel for them. You also have to understand that the area is in shock. We sent a crew down there to Gulfport to cover the story, one truck, 3 men. They left on Sunday and by Wednesday they were out of food, water and fuel. Stuck in the middle of nowhere. It is no easy task to move thousands of people out of there, much less thousands of people in there to help. No one can ever be prepared for an event like this and better yet respond in a perfect manner. Mistakes I am sure were made and there is plenty of blame to go around but let us focus our efforts on saving the survivors not yelling at each other....


At 4:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Yes, the finger pointing is outrageous. Great post!!!


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