Start the Week Up
It is Monday again. What a great weekend!!! I had to work Friday but had all Saturday and Sunday to get the work done. The boy and I moved a couch upstairs and rearranged the loft and made a nice TV room for the boy and his friends. We also took all the Christmas stuff out and decorated the house. The tree is up (not decorated yet) and all that is left outside is the Christmas lights, we fixed our Santa and Snowman blowups, thank God!!!!
My body took a beating this weekend. It started Friday night at the movies (we saw the new Harry Potter) when a piece of popcorn got stuck in my teeth and I tried to flick it out. I ended up losing a filling (which is odd as I have not had a cavity in over 10 years!!) and now have to find a new dentist to fix it. So I am worried about that and as I took down the Christmas tree from the top shelf in the garage it slips and falls and catches my head in the back swing. I thought it was nothing but when I woke up on Sunday morning I could not move my neck. It felt a little better last night and I was able to work out this morning but man it has tightened up since then. I need to take a HOT shower and soak for awhile.
Till then.
I cleaned my garage on Saturday and now, two days later, I have aches and pains in my legs and back. I'll be 45 in February, and WHY DO I FEEL SO OLD?
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