A New Day Dawns...
Yesterday I got some terrible news, not that Obama was elected president but that a close friend of our family and the man that has helped raise my nephew was being pulled off of life support. He came to my sister a month ago and said he was going in for brain surgery. They spent the next 2 days with my nephew going apple picking and getting a pumpkin and going out to dinner and hay rides. Then he went in for surgery on Monday and has been in and out of a coma ever since. He had a massive stroke this weekend and the damage is incredible. His living will calls for the doctors to pull the plug if this happens so we all went in last night to say our goodbyes.
We have known him for a long time and my son considers him an uncle. I find it hard to even type these words. We are now playing the waiting game. I could get the call any minute. I am hoping and praying for a miracle but the doctors were up front with us.
He is the definition on a Man. A Man my son and nephew will look up to forever.
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