Back In The World...
We are back. Spent the week camping in southern Indiana with the Boy Scouts. It was quite the adventure. We had 92 boys and about 35 adults there all week. I started prepping for this several months ago, I am the Advancement Chairman and the camp we go to has you run your own program. Which means I had to find people to teach the merit badges the boys needed for the week. We ended up teaching 47 different merit badges (camp usually offers 32) which was fantastic. Except for the fact that then I had to schedule all 92 boys 5 merit badges for the week and make sure there were no conflicts at all. Somehow I succeeded and the boys (and adults) had a great time. If you know anything about Scouting we had 37 rank advancements and 450 Merit Badges earned. Not bad for a week.
Camp was great! We had rifle, shotgun, archery, crafts, a nice lake to swim in with row boating, canoing and a 41 foot speed boat. Yes the last is not your typical Scout Camp equipment. One of the dads who attended had a 41 foot speed boat and taught motor boating and water skiing to the boys. One night the wife and I joined him and several other adults on an evening ride (awesome) and then a dip in the middle of the lake for an hour. Extremely cool!!
Yes the wife was out there roughing it with us, no electricity, running water or internet. She was having a great time out there with the boys until we checked the phone on Wednesday. We had the phones off and we turned them on and had 26 missed calls from my sister-in-law on my phone, and she never calls me. Unfortunately the wife's grandmother died and few days earlier and they had been trying to get in touch with us. The wife left and got on a flight to attend the funeral while the boy and I stayed put at camp. The boy took it hard but ended up having a good time. He earned 7 merit badges, Life AND Firecrafter. Firecrafter is an honor society for Indiana Boy Scouts (like Order of the Arrow which he is also a part of) but can only be earned at summer camp and the requirements are hard. The final one being start and maintain a fire using friction. He finally got fire by friction the last hour of camp and became a Firecrafter, awesome!!!!
Now it is Sunday morning, I had 170 emails waiting, a box full of mail and a happy dog waiting for me. A great week was spent at camp and I can not wait to do it again next year!!!
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