Saturday, December 18, 2004


Love the show, hate the reality. My father-in-law was supposed to fly out here tonight for the first time. We haven't seen them in over a year and the boy was going to be surprised when they showed up. Well surprise, their flight was cancelled at the connection. So they are stuck in a strange city (Washington DC) and couldn't get out until 3pm tomorrow (their return flight is Monday afternoon, quick visit) until I hit the internet and get on the cell phone with them and the airline and book a flight on a rival airline (no charge) so they get here at 10am tomorrow. Since the original flight was coming in at Midnight we really only miss the breakfast part of the visit, not too bad......but boy do I hate US Air right now!!!!!!!


At 12:52 AM, Blogger Brent said...

The last time I flew was a total nightmare. Missed connections, lost luggage, lousy food (but the alcohol was calming!). I stole a beer mug from the airport in Cincinatti!! We're are in the process of planning a trip to Orlando and Disney World for next Christmas...guess what? WE'RE DRIVING!


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