Monday, August 22, 2005

Roll The Bones

What a weekend, was all over the place. Started Friday with me working at 4am and getting home early (12:30) and able to get all sorts of stuff done, pay bills, change oil, clean house. I got to stop by my favorite book store (Half-Price Books) and found 5 books I have been looking for for the past year or so and all books were not only half price (hence the name) but half off that!!!!! 6 books, $8. Settled in the night with the comedy Hitch.

Awoke Saturday to some PC time, (Dungeon Siege) then out to mow the lawn. After that the wife was home from work and we went to the Indiana State Fair. Great time had with great food and awesome displays. We are not into the animal thing anymore (too much at the New York State Fair for years) so we hit the 'home economics' stuff, baking, sewing, quiltwork, leatherwork, art and photographs. I enjoy the later, it really puts me in mind to get a really nice digital set with lens and everything and submit some stuff next year. We'll see. As for food it was awesome, Ribeye sandwich, pulled pork, baked potatoes, fried Wisconsin cheese, honey lemonade, cream puffs, Deed Fried Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, walking tacos, ribbon chips...etc...all in all a great day with good times and good food.

Sunday was another day, this time a little thing called Home-A-Rama. It is basically homes you can not afford, set up with furniture worth more than your house and Video equipment that is more than my car and you look around. There were 6 houses, the cheap one was about 800,000.00 and a 2 bedroom. It went up from there, one was multi-million and I loved it, uh I'll take 2 thanks.

We ended the weekend with a birthday cookout for my mother and the family and sister and nephew were all there for simple burgers and hot dogs and company. We had cake and sun tea and a little shrimp cocktail. As the sun set I thought to myself this was the perfect summer weekend, food, folks, fair and fun....


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Brent said...


At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have the Parade of Homes and I love and hate it at the same time! The homes are so beautiful and I ooh and aw all over them, then I come home and want to throw rocks at my own house.


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