Wednesday, December 07, 2005


WE had our December Court of Honor last night. For those not in the know a Court of Honor is where the Troop and our families gather to present awards and rank and special recognition to the Scouts and sometimes Adult Leaders. Last night was a small one as it covers mostly the months when the boys go back to school and we are a little light so they can concentrate on schoolwork. However last night I was honored twice. The first was a certificate from the Scoutmaster as One Who Goes Above and Beyond. It was very nice of them, but I do it because I enjoy Scouting and really like this Troop. The second honor was presenting a Gold Palm to one of the Eagle Scouts. Palms are awards given to active Eagle Scouts. It is a little something to say thanks for sticking around and giving back to the Troop. I gave a nice introduction speech and made a mom or two cry, which while wasn't my intent meant that I did hit the right spots in the speech and got my point across. Mainly that with all that goes on in a young man's life the fact that he returns to the Troop and gives back after he received his Eagle says a lot about the fiber of that young man.

It was a very nice night and one that I hope he will remember as time goes by.


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