Thursday, January 25, 2007

Not At The Bottom Yet....

Now I Am...

That thud you might have heard at 9am this morning was me hitting bottom! I had a great talk with the boy this week. All about teenagers, sex, love, school, family, responsibility, and being a man. I think it was a great talk. The past few days he seems to be better, I think. Then I got the cell phone bill. While in Florida with the wife he made 4863 text messages to his girlfriend. At .10 sending and receiving that is a $464.00 bill, just for texting.

I hope you were sitting down for that. I know I wasn't and actually felt dizzy and sick. As I write this I feel dizzy thinking of the punishments that will be handed out over the next month. I am so upset and angry and saddened and confused I just don't know what will happen when I see him tonight. I feel like getting sick, my stomach is a wreck, my mind keeps floating off and I can feel my heart breaking. He has had too much for too long. I had a chat with my father this morning and he took some of the blame as well. While not a spoiled child he keeps his wants reasonable and usually gets them from either us or his 3 sets of grandparents. Well those days are over, with the loss of his Ipod, the now worthless accessories we bought for it, and the $500 cell phone bill, this kid has cost me $1000.00 this week or a little under one of my bi-weekly paychecks.

It looks like right now, grounded for a month. He will attend Boy Scouts and Hitting Class (both paid for already). Gone is the PSP/XBox, computer access, cell phone, movie night with friends, television and home alone privileges. Tonight no Pep Band, he has 2 more games left, we shall see if he goes. When we are not home he will be at my mother's with her at all times. He has homework and a nice collection of books that he will be reading for the next 4 weeks. As the grades get better and his attitude changes he will get things back. Now I have to find his girlfriend's phone number and call her parents. I can imagine what their phone bill was as well and am a bit surprised I have not received a phone call from them yet.

Wish me luck...


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Mindie said...

Oh my goodness. Good luck with this. Stay firm!

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Yes, good luck to you, indeed! We have told my daughter that she needs to keep the text messaging to a limit, and she has done good so far. She has been spending a lot of time messaging on the computer lately, which hasn't gone unnoticed as the computer is in the living room. But today we found out that this normally straight A student is getting a D in one of her classes. She is about to feel the wrath of Daddy.


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