Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And we are back...

Had a rough weekend. I have found a new club. They are wargamers, something I have been into since High School but have not had a chance to do in over a decade. Now I do and am having a blast. The wife is upset about the amount of time I am spending there. There is a happy medium but we had a trial getting to it. Made for a terrible Sunday of arguing, cold shoulders, slamming doors and silence. I think we have an agreement and all is getting back to well here. I love my wife, she is my best friend but I also need an outlet for myself. In 15 years I have never done anything like this, I do not have a poker night or a golf day, a softball team, or Sunday with the boys watching football all day. I have been the proper family man, always putting the family first and now with the boy at that age where he wants a day to HIMSELF, I take mine. All will be well, eventually, this is something new to everyone. You certainly put your life on hold when you have children and it is a little difficult getting out of first gear when you have been in it for so long....


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Brent said...

I've participated in a few things my wife voiced objections to, much to my dismay. I'm a reponsible father, always at games, events, performances, but when I did anything for myself she felt I was being negligent. I calmly pleaded my case and made her realize I needed an outlet. It wasn't easy.


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