Monday, October 08, 2007

The Big Wrap Up...

Another whirlwind weekend. It started on Saturday at 5am when the alarm went off and I was off to work. Working OT for a parade we televised. Then to the game club for a few rounds of a new game I want to teach the boy. After that it was home to cleaning and relaxing as I was tired from the 10 hour day.

Sunday morning opened fine enough with me up early and everyone else sleeping. I got a call later from my father, my mother could not go to the Colt's game so he was seeing if I wanted to go. Since there is no monday night game in Indy this year, my father and I will not have our annual Colts game. So I said yes and moved the whole day's schedule up. Two hours to mow and weed the yard and then laundry and a shower and it was off to the Dome. Colts win and continue their unbeaten streak. Out to dinner after the game and then home to the family for a quick watch of the Simpsons, Family Guy and then off to bed...

How was your weekend?


At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We went to a motorcycle club party. *Some* people took their clothes off.

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Mindie said...

My weekend stunk, since the Bucs lost!!


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