The 9/11 report is out and I am not sure I want read it. I am interested in their findings but find it hard to believe that we spent millions of dollars and years of work to point a finger at people in our own government. I mean I could wrap this whole thing up in under five minutes and a lot less money:
Several crazy Arab extremist are the cause of the 9/11 horrors.
Next Case.
1. These guys have been out there for years but no one has gone after them
because we didn't think they were crazy enough to fly planes into buildings.
2. There are all sorts of illegal immigrants in the US (Mexican, Cuban, European, Middle Eastern, Asian) and no one has gone after them
because we didn't think they were crazy enough to fly planes into buildings.
3. The Intelligence Community had lines of several of these people and I am sure hundreds of others but did not go after them
because we didn't think they were crazy enough to fly planes into buildings.
4. We are not alone in the world, Spain, England, France, Germany, Israel, Russia, the Middle East all have intelligence agencies, all have had some sort of terrorist activities in their countries and all have the assets needed to go after these guys but no one has gone after them
because we didn't think they were crazy enough to fly planes into buildings.
5. They got away with flying the planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon
because we didn't think they were crazy enough to fly planes into buildings.
While we are finger pointing I would like to add my finger to the following:
Instead of wasting millions on stupid commissions like this and other programs (well-fare) put some money into protecting our borders and internal security. Deport illegals (ALL NATIONALITIES) and beef up security on the borders and entrances to out county; airports and sea ports. No people here illegally then no people to fly those planes.
Put a cap into the ACLU. Plain and simple, if the INS, FBI, or local police had rounded up these crazy muther-fuc**ers in September 11th because the fit a certain 'profile' they would have had the ACLU up their asses demanding their release (with their personal box cutters) and had lawsuits claiming millions in damages against our country. After the whole National Anthem/Pledge of allegiance circus I am surprised they haven't sued to have the Constitution ruled un-constitutional.
Call me a racist but if I see a Middle Easterner on a flight I am watching him like a hawk and will feel no guilt/shame for my country if that guy is pulled aside and stripped searched before being allowed on a plane. Do I think it is right for a black man driving home from work should be pulled over and given a once over just cause he is black, HELL NO. Do I think a few single Arab men getting onto the same flight acting 'out of sorts' should be taken aside and searched and questioned, HELL YES. And it doesn't come down to race, some law enforcement is trained in behavioral sciences and others actually have that 'sense' one sees in the movies or tv. Let them use their abilities to protect us. If a cop said to me that some guy just "doesn't look right" I am gonna take a long look at him.
Bottom line is this, we are the United States and are untouchable and our thinking and national attitudes reflex that. We haven't been harmed on our ground by outsiders since Pearl Harbor and that is how we have lived for 60 years. The world has changed since then and for a few months after 9/11 so did our nation. But it has reverted back to Pre-9/11 thinking while the rest of the world has not. So instead of concentrating on pointing fingers and worrying that some kid has to say 'God' in our pledge or trying to prevent a woman from doing what she wants with her body we might want to look for a real solution to securing America.
Because now we know they are crazy enough to fly planes into buildings.