Friday, March 28, 2008

A New Start...

Like many I wash my hands after using the restroom. I have an odd habit of after washing using a paper towel to turn off the water and then open the door. I was called out on this at work and then found out that several co-workers do the same thing. I have been in there and heard/seen men use the restroom and then go right out the door. I just washed my hands and then I am going to grab the same handle this slob just used? Not likely!!!!

One thing that does weird me out is generic soap smell. Have you ever noticed that the soaps in public bathrooms all smell alike? Be it Sam's Club, Target or the Rest Stop on I-90 they all smell the same, strange!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Wow, I cannot seem to write anymore. I stopped going to the Y and I sleep in a lot. I need to get into gear and join the program.

I head to NY this weekend for my annual Fantasy Baseball draft. It should be a good time, I always enjoy heading out there and visiting friends.

The boy is doing well with baseball and Scouts and such. It is better when he is busy then free ranging after school. He seems to be doing well with classwork and housework so it is a start.

On an unrelated note, I enjoy several podcasts and one is done by a person here in Indy, Matt's Today In History. It is an excellent podcast that deals with world history on a daily basis. Recently he has had some health problems and if you are into that sort of thing, please send him your thoughts and prayers....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter and The Weekend...

A late Happy Easter to all fellow Catholics. We had a fantastic one, the whole family (those in town) came over for dinner. We had lamb, lamb chops, sweet potatoes, carrots, baby potatoes, string beans, the list goes on and on. My parents provided the meat and the wife filled out the rest of the table. As usual it was fantastic. My sister, her son, and my brother from Chicago and his wife came down as well.

Most surprising was the fact that my Mother-In-Law came to town this weekend to visit. We actually had a great time with them. They usually only visit once a year and for only a day or two. We went out to eat, took a tour of the town and just enjoyed each others' company sitting around on the couch.

In the end, the boy got to see his grandparents this weekend, we all had a great Easter and everyone left with a full belly and fond memories.

Hope yours was the same ;)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Birthday To The Boy...

Today is the boy's 15th birthday. Like all teenagers he has his ups and downs but in the end he is a good kid with lots of potential to be a great man! Now don't get me wrong, I do not have Joe Kennedy aspirations of him ruling the world but I do see him coming into his own and doing good things with his life. I am extremely proud of what he is doing with his life. And feel very old in the fact that I have a 15 year old son...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Catch Up

Well it has been a long long week....

The boy made the HS baseball team, we are so very proud of him, only 14 made the team and he was one of them. He was very excited and we look forward to a good season of High School ball!

My new car is pretty awesome! The one problem is it has a slight cigarette smell to it, CarMax told me to bring it in on Monday and they will detail and ionize it and will give me a replacement car to drive for the day, how cool is that!!!

Oops phone call, got to go, more later!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

There and Back Again...

Picked up the new car Friday night. It is awesome, brand new (almost) and I would have a picture if I can find my camera (which still has the NYC wedding photos on it)...

Then got a call to work a basketball game in Columbus, OHIO, 3 hours away. The pay was good and they even paid for mileage and a hotel. So I took the new car on the road, and what a road it was, seems OHIO got hit with a blizzard, 20 inches of the stuff. Took 5 hours of white knuckle driving. Finally got to the hotel at 1:30am, fell asleep at 3am (turned the clocks forward to 4am) then woke to the alarm at 5am and to the live truck at 6am. Game started at Noon, then drove home (3 hours) after the game and here I is, safe and sound (well not mentally sound)...

Great trip except the car was a smokers car for the 3000 miles he put on it. Taking it back tomorrow for them to clean it good. I really like it so it would be a shame to return it (we get 5 days no questions asked returns at CarMax). At one point last night as I flew to Columbus the road turned into black ice. There were about 5 of us going around 74mph, two ended up in a ditch and I slid sideways but straightened out at the last minute. Awesome, terrifying and absolutely kick ass. Went 10mph after that, hence the 5 hour drive....

How was your weekend?

Friday, March 07, 2008


My car is falling apart, my new one is here and we go see it tonight. I paid $500 to transfer it here to Indy but am still under no obligation to purchase. But it is the one I want and if it passes muster it will be in the garage tonight.

My current car had a revelation last night, I think it realizes it is almost done. It is hard to make a left hand turn and every light is on on the dashboard. She has served the family well and I hope she goes to a better place...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Strange Dreams...

I awoke this morning after a really weird dream. I left my job to go to the station down the street and after 3 hours absolutely hated it. But I could not get my old job back. I was very upset and when I woke up was still upset about it. I told the wife about the dream and she said, wow you must really like your job! I guess I do...

Monday, March 03, 2008


Why is it that my dog (and most dogs) can chew a stick, chew furniture, chew up underwear, chew leather, your favorite shoes, stuffed animals, their own feet and anything that hits the floor in the kitchen but when a grape hits the ground they look at it, take it in their mouth and then drop it still intact and there it will sit under someone picks it up...

But drop a chicken nugget and it will never hit the floor...