Monday Morning
Alright, worked a lousy shift last week and am tired and grumpy. I worked every shift from late night to early morning and a double on Saturday, so I feel like someone's bitch left out to dry......
Anyway some thoughts this Monday as I again play the workshift shuffle.....
Easter Sunday has come and gone, it was nice to see the whole family (when I wasn't working) and my family (wife, boy) went to mass together. Now if you remember my last Easter rant on the C&E Christians (Christmas and Easter) this might be a surprise...I am not a "Churchie" or "Biblethumper" but did have issue with people who came to mass twice a year (Easter and Christmas) and made life miserable for the rest of us regulars, but after this Sunday I have sort of changed my tune....our priest said (his thoughts my words) basically welcome to the fold, see you at Christmas time but try to find a Sunday in the next month to come back, then the month after that and so on, so that come Christmas you have been here a few more times, not asking for you to become a regular, yet....but give it a try. Hearing this I thought he was on to something and have since changed my tune and had a pleasant Easter Sunday and not a bad thought at the over crowding and people unfamiliar with the mass.........this will probably last until Christmas when I have to sit behind a family who's kids don't know how to behave at mass........but it is a start......
Terry Shivio: I am torn on the issue but say only this, there better be an autopsy so we can find out what caused her to fall into this sate in the first place, my guess is her husband was the original Scott Peterson.........