Cop Talk is back as Law & Disorder. As I said in his comments "A missed voice is silent no more.
Other Random Thoughts:
- Been a lazy blogger lately, no reason given just not feeling the urge. Don't worry someone/thing will piss me off and on the rant I go.
- On a historical reading kick lately (see my
Reading List) and I am all about Rome and ancient Britain, and now Alexander the Great. If you dig the Roman Legions, bloody battles and life in ancient Rome then check out Simon Scarrow's Marco and Cato series. Fun reads and a nice author, he responded to my e-mail within 3 days of sending him one.
- As you may or may not know I have been collecting comic books since the late 70's. Early on it was all super heroes,
X-Men (my longest run goes from Issue 133 to present which is Issue 458). That being said my current tastes run along the independent reads or non-traditional super heroes. Currently the best read out there is
The Walking Dead. Zombies have risen and a cop in a coma awakes to find the world topsy turvy. Great art (black and white), great story, dialog and character development. You know he's got you when you are saddened when something happens to a minor character. Trade collection available at
- Yesterday finished my 6 month review with my exercise coach, 6 MONTHS!!!! Now if I continue to eat right (and not cheat) the pounds will drop off. I am now up to 40 minutes of cardio and lifting 18,000 lbs a day, 3 days a week.
- The Amazing Race is over and my faith has been restored. Uchenna and Joyce won it all but almost blew it because they did not have enough money to pay the cabbie and begged for bucks outside the finish line while Rob and Amber were right behind them (OK not right behind them but the editing made you sit on the edge of your seat!!). In the end they crossed first and showed that team work, respect for each other and other teams will beat out cheap tactics and underhandedness everyday. I am a huge Amazing Race fan and I love Survivor. The beauty of Amazing Race is that the best team does win! Complete your tasks, run your heart out and get to the mat first. No backstabbing, voting alliances or lying, just plain old good competion and may the best team win. There is no room for Rob's bullshit underhandedness on the show and I am glad that he and Amber did not win. Side Note: While talking to Rupert one day he told me that originally he and Rudy were supposed to go on the Amazing Race, they had discussed it at an appearance on the Family feud and the producers heard and went with Rob and Amber instead, they thought better TV and good promotion for Rob and Amber's Wedding also being televised soon. I would have liked to see Rupert and Rudy instead.
Family Guy is back and there isn't a funnier show on TV. Fox was idiotic to cancel this gem the first time and have seen the light and ordered up an entire season's run. The laughs are non-stop and come from fart jokes to Van Gogh; Wonder Twin references and Shakespeare. This could be the next Simpsons with a long run on Fox. Check it out Sunday nights at 9pm, it will turn your life upside down face.
- Speaking of the
Simpsons, Sunday was the best episode in 3 years. Homer predicted the Rapture and all hell breaks loose. This is Simpsons at its best. I missed these episodes and hope the writers can finish this classic season strong (if this is to be the last season).
- Best line ever heard on TV was uttered this week: "Chloe, we are in the middle of a crisis here and do not have time for your personality disorder."
24 may have jumped the shark but that one should go down as "Best Line Ever".