Baseball, Rush and Max Barry
Baseball is finally here!!! With the Angels v. Rangers 2003 has started. It's gonna be a great season, I can feel it. I hope to take the boy to his first major league game (or 2). I am working for the Twins AAA Team as a camera op this season, should be fun. This will be our first year with the Twins and already they are much better than the Orioles! It'll be nice to watch a team that is actually supported by it's parent club. Even the NY-Penn League Watertown Indians had more support from Cleveland (this is during the "Major League" years -1991-1993) than I ever saw out of Maryland. I'll enjoy watching some quality minor league baseball and getting $25 bucks a game doing it.
Downloaded some great Rush videos today. Good stuff they made that was never aired on MTV, screw them. Rush In The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!!! Although, I was there and it's no big shakes, even The Hard Rock Cafe has better memorabilia. My favorite video was actually Closer To The Heart 2000, just the cut from Different Stages with footage of them playing it from the past 10 years.........awesome. Now that's real music and what they should play if/when they make it ot the Hall of Fame (I'll be there). Also saw a clip of Geddy (big baseball fan that he is) singing "O'Canada" at the 1993 All-Star Game in Toronto. Funny thing is most of those players are coaches now (or just retired).
Just finished Jennifer Government. Not my usual pick for reading but WOW, fantastic, loved it, funnier than shit, with a message!! A Must Read!! Get on-line or check it out at your local public library, you'll be glad you did. Sometime in the near future everyone takes the surname of their employer and Marketing Exec John Nike hires someone to kill 10 owners of the newest Nike shoe to increase sales.........and that's just the first page! Like I said, a must read........